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Overall figures
MN Waller (ZIM) 2009-2016 20 20 0 291 51 14.55 415 70.12 0 1 3 30 3 investigate this query
R Mutumbami (ZIM) 2015-2020 23 22 1 412 74 19.61 546 75.45 0 2 2 36 11 investigate this query
CJ Chibhabha (ZIM) 2005-2023 106 106 2 2468 99 23.73 3895 63.36 0 16 7 238 14 investigate this query
E Chigumbura (ZIM) 2006-2018 84 80 10 1700 104* 24.28 2261 75.18 1 5 5 120 37 investigate this query
H Masakadza (ZIM) 2006-2018 72 71 0 1739 110 24.49 2530 68.73 1 13 4 173 25 investigate this query
V Sibanda (ZIM) 2005-2016 43 43 1 1200 116 28.57 1818 66.00 1 10 2 125 16 investigate this query
S Matsikenyeri (ZIM) 2006-2009 35 35 3 923 89 28.84 1122 82.26 0 6 1 82 10 investigate this query
T Taibu (ZIM) 2005-2011 31 31 3 847 103* 30.25 1250 67.76 1 4 2 50 9 investigate this query
Sikandar Raza (ZIM) 2015-2023 42 38 6 1027 100* 32.09 1241 82.75 2 5 0 71 19 investigate this query
SC Williams (ZIM) 2006-2020 51 49 5 1501 118* 34.11 1924 78.01 2 13 4 111 18 investigate this query
CR Ervine (ZIM) 2010-2023 35 34 6 990 130* 35.35 1326 74.66 2 3 1 86 14 investigate this query
BRM Taylor (ZIM) 2005-2020 62 62 6 2186 145* 39.03 2712 80.60 7 9 4 197 33 investigate this query
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Statsguru includes the following current or recent One-Day Internationals:
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 3rd ODI, Mar 18, 2024 [ODI # 4745]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 2nd ODI, Mar 15, 2024 [ODI # 4744]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 1st ODI, Mar 13, 2024 [ODI # 4743]
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