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B Lee (AUS) 19 49 48 3 1 39.58 2 v New Zealand Adelaide 28 Nov 2008 investigate this query
PM Nevill (AUS) 10 49 27 0 0 37.03 4 v New Zealand Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
SB Styris (NZ) 8 48 34 2 0 23.52 4 v Australia Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
JEC Franklin (NZ) 13 48 38 1 0 34.21 4 v Australia Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
DR Flynn (NZ) 11 48 42 2 0 26.19 1 v Australia Adelaide 28 Nov 2008 investigate this query
TG Southee (NZ) 11 47 34 0 1 32.35 3 v Australia Adelaide 28 Nov 2008 investigate this query
PJ Wiseman (NZ) 11 46 33 1 0 33.33 2 v Australia Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
JDP Oram (NZ) 12 46 28 0 0 42.85 2 v Australia Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
AC Voges (AUS) 13 46 42 2 0 30.95 2 v New Zealand Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
MG Johnson (AUS) 23 45 38 4 0 60.52 2 v New Zealand Adelaide 28 Nov 2008 investigate this query
JD Ryder (NZ) 13 44 28 1 0 46.42 1 v Australia Adelaide 28 Nov 2008 investigate this query
PJ Wiseman (NZ) 15* 43 37 2 0 40.54 4 v Australia Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
MR Marsh (AUS) 28 42 29 2 1 96.55 4 v New Zealand Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
ML Hayden (AUS) 24 41 36 5 0 66.66 2 v New Zealand Adelaide 28 Nov 2008 investigate this query
LRPL Taylor (NZ) 21 41 25 3 0 84.00 1 v Australia Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
AJ Redmond (NZ) 19 40 33 4 0 57.57 3 v Australia Adelaide 28 Nov 2008 investigate this query
DR Martyn (AUS) 6* 39 38 0 0 15.78 3 v New Zealand Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
DAJ Bracewell (NZ) 11 39 30 1 0 36.66 1 v Australia Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
BJ Watling (NZ) 7 39 35 1 0 20.00 3 v Australia Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
MR Marsh (AUS) 4 38 25 0 0 16.00 2 v New Zealand Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
JEC Franklin (NZ) 7 36 32 0 0 21.87 2 v Australia Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
SPD Smith (AUS) 14 35 24 2 0 58.33 4 v New Zealand Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
DR Flynn (NZ) 9 34 27 2 0 33.33 3 v Australia Adelaide 28 Nov 2008 investigate this query
KS Williamson (NZ) 9 34 24 1 0 37.50 3 v Australia Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
DL Vettori (NZ) 13 33 32 3 0 40.62 3 v Australia Adelaide 28 Nov 2008 investigate this query
BB McCullum (NZ) 20 32 21 3 0 95.23 3 v Australia Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
MD Craig (NZ) 15 30 25 2 0 60.00 3 v Australia Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
JD Ryder (NZ) 3 28 16 0 0 18.75 3 v Australia Adelaide 28 Nov 2008 investigate this query
BB McCullum (NZ) 10 27 23 1 0 43.47 2 v Australia Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
MD Craig (NZ) 11 26 14 2 0 78.57 1 v Australia Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
JA Burns (AUS) 11 24 14 2 0 78.57 4 v New Zealand Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
JN Gillespie (AUS) 12 21 13 3 0 92.30 1 v New Zealand Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
LRPL Taylor (NZ) 1 21 20 0 0 5.00 3 v Australia Adelaide 28 Nov 2008 investigate this query
MA Starc (AUS) 24* 21 15 3 2 160.00 2 v New Zealand Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
TG Southee (NZ) 13 21 16 2 0 81.25 3 v Australia Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
DR Martyn (AUS) 7 20 14 1 0 50.00 1 v New Zealand Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
SP Fleming (NZ) 3 20 13 0 0 23.07 4 v Australia Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
TG Southee (NZ) 16 20 15 1 1 106.66 1 v Australia Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
PM Siddle (AUS) 9* 19 12 1 0 75.00 4 v New Zealand Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
MS Sinclair (NZ) 2 17 12 0 0 16.66 4 v Australia Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
MJ Clarke (AUS) 7 16 16 1 0 43.75 1 v New Zealand Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
MS Sinclair (NZ) 0 15 10 0 0 0.00 2 v Australia Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
MJ Guptill (NZ) 1 15 9 0 0 11.11 1 v Australia Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
SE Marsh (AUS) 2 15 12 0 0 16.66 2 v New Zealand Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
TA Boult (NZ) 5 15 12 0 0 41.66 3 v Australia Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
TA Boult (NZ) 2* 14 7 0 0 28.57 1 v Australia Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
CS Martin (NZ) 0 13 2 0 0 0.00 3 v Australia Adelaide 28 Nov 2008 investigate this query
DA Warner (AUS) 1 13 11 0 0 9.09 2 v New Zealand Adelaide 27 Nov 2015 investigate this query
NM Hauritz (AUS) 1 12 12 0 0 8.33 2 v New Zealand Adelaide 28 Nov 2008 investigate this query
CS Martin (NZ) 2* 11 6 0 0 33.33 2 v Australia Adelaide 26 Nov 2004 investigate this query
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Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Chattogram, 2nd Test, Mar 30-Apr 3, 2024 [Test # 2537]
Bangladesh v Sri Lanka at Sylhet, 1st Test, Mar 22-25, 2024 [Test # 2536]
New Zealand v Australia at Christchurch, 2nd Test, Mar 8-11, 2024 [Test # 2535]
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