Result summary for Chile vs Peru in T20s
Result summary
Adjust:Most recentPast weekPast MonthPast year4 years10 years25 years
Tie+W and Tie+L indicates matches tied and then won or lost in a tiebreaker such as a bowlout or one-over-eliminator ("Super Over")
The result percentage excludes no results and counts ties (irrespective of a tiebreaker) as half a win
The result percentage excludes no results and counts ties as half a win.
Forfeited matches are not included.
Forfeited matches are not included.
Records includes the following current or recent matches:
Chile vs Argentina at Buenos Aires, South American Men's Championships 11th Match, Group A, Oct 20, 2023 [T20I # 2323]
Chile vs Mexico at Buenos Aires, South American Men's Championships 3rd Match, Group A, Oct 18, 2023 [T20I # 2320]
Argentina vs Chile at Cortijo Polo Club Pitch A, SA Men's Championships 7th Match, Oct 5, 2019 [T20I # 912]