Cricket Records in 1964 in FC+LA+T20 matches - Sussex

Match results
Team 1
Team 2
Match Date
SussexAustraliansAustralians66 runsHoveSep 14, 1964List A
SussexWarwickshireSussex8 wicketsLord'sSep 5, 1964List A
SussexSurreySussex90 runsHoveJul 29, 1964List A
SussexAustraliansAustralians63 runsHoveJul 15-17, 1964First-class
SomersetSussexSussex16 runsTauntonJun 24, 1964List A
SussexDurhamSussex200 runsHoveMay 27, 1964List A
Adjust:Most recentPast weekPast MonthPast year4 years10 years25 years
Performances in matches that overlap years are credited to the year in which they occurred - this results in some unknown data, especially in regard to bowling figures
Records includes the following current or recent matches:

Victoria v New South Wales at Melbourne, Sheffield Shield, Dec 26-30, 1964 [First-class]

South Africa v England at Johannesburg, 2nd Test, Dec 23-29, 1964 [Test # 572]

South Australia v Queensland at Adelaide, Sheffield Shield, Dec 25-29, 1964 [First-class]