Most extras in an innings for Bermuda vs Saudi Arabia in FC+LA+T20s
Most extras in an innings
Adjust:Most recentPast weekPast MonthPast year4 years10 years25 years
Team is the team credited with the extras, Opposition is the team that conceded them.
Records includes the following current or recent matches:
Bangladesh Under-19s vs Pakistan Under-19s (Young Cricketers) at Rajshahi, Pakistan Under-19s in Bangladesh Only T20, May 17, 2023 [Youth T20I # 16]
England Under-19s (Young Cricketers) vs Australia Under-19s at Brisbane, England Under-19s in Australia Only Youth T20I, Feb 19, 2023 [Youth T20I # 15]
Bangladesh Under-19s vs Pakistan Under-19s (Young Cricketers) at Multan, Bangladesh Under-19s in Pakistan 2nd Youth T20I, Nov 18, 2022 [Youth T20I # 14]