Result summary for Namibia vs Peru in FC
Result summary
Tie+W and Tie+L indicates matches tied and then won or lost in a tiebreaker such as a bowlout or one-over-eliminator ("Super Over")
The result percentage excludes no results and counts ties (irrespective of a tiebreaker) as half a win
The result percentage excludes no results and counts ties as half a win.
Forfeited matches are not included.
Forfeited matches are not included.
Records includes the following current or recent matches:
Namibia vs KwaZulu-Natal (Natal) at Durban, Sunfoil 3-Day Cup Final, Apr 12-13, 2018 [First-class]
Free State (Orange Free State) vs Namibia at Windhoek, Sunfoil 3-Day Cup Pool B, Feb 22-24, 2018 [First-class]
Namibia vs KwaZulu-Natal Inland at Pietermaritzburg, Sunfoil 3-Day Cup Pool B, Feb 15-17, 2018 [First-class]