Cricket Records in Freedom Trophy, 2021/22 - India
India batting averages
India bowling averages
Adjust:Most recentPast weekPast MonthPast year4 years10 years25 years
Performances in matches that overlap decades are credited to the year in which they occurred - this results in some unknown data, especially in regard to bowling figuresPerformances in matches that overlap years are credited to the year in which they occurred - this results in some unknown data, especially in regard to bowling figures
Records includes the following current or recent matches:
Sydney Thunder vs Adelaide Strikers at Adelaide, Big Bash League 27th Match, Dec 31, 2021 [Twenty20]
Central Districts vs Canterbury at New Plymouth, Super Smash 18th Match, Dec 31, 2021 [Twenty20]
Central Districts vs Northern Districts at New Plymouth, Super Smash 17th Match, Dec 30, 2021 [Twenty20]