Eswatini Records

Eswatini Cricket Records

Team records

List of match results (by year)
Highest match aggregates
Lowest match aggregates
Largest victories
Smallest victories (including tied matches)
Most extras in an innings

Batting records

Highest averages
Highest strike rates
Most fifties (and over)
Highest strike rates in an innings
Most runs in a series

Bowling records

Best bowling figures in an innings
Best economy rates
Best strike rates
Most four-wickets-in-an-innings (and over)
Most five-wickets-in-an-innings
Best economy rates in an innings
Best strike rates in an innings
Most runs conceded in an innings
Most wickets in a series

Wicketkeeping records

Most dismissals in an innings
Most dismissals in a series

Fielding records

Most catches in an innings
Most catches in a series

Partnership records

Highest partnerships by wicket
Highest partnerships by runs

Individual records (captains, players, umpires)

Most matches as captain
List of captains