Team Match Results - Barbados

Match results in 2002 in List A - Barbados

Match results
Team 1
Team 2
Match Date
JamaicaBarbadosBarbados33 runsDiscovery BaySep 1, 2002List A
BarbadosGuyanaBarbados5 wicketsDiscovery BayAug 30, 2002List A
JamaicaBarbadosJamaica20 runsKingstonAug 24, 2002List A
BarbadosSt Vi & GrenBarbados109 runsSpanish TownAug 23, 2002List A
BarbadosRest of LwdsBarbados193 runsKingstonAug 18, 2002List A
Univ of WIBarbadosBarbados102 runsSpanish TownAug 16, 2002List A
Adjust:Most recentPast weekPast MonthPast year4 years10 years25 years
Performances in matches that overlap years are credited to the year in which they occurred - this results in some unknown data, especially in regard to bowling figures
Records includes the following current or recent matches:

Wellington vs Central Districts at Wellington, State Shield , Dec 30, 2002 [List A]

Canterbury vs Northern Districts at Taupo, State Shield , Dec 30, 2002 [List A]

Auckland vs Otago at Alexandra, State Shield , Dec 30, 2002 [List A]