The Surfer

A reality show of sickening vulgarity

Steve James is appalled about the future of the game as the Stanford 20/20 for 20 draws closer

Steve James is appalled about the future of the game as the Stanford 20/20 for 20 draws closer. In the Sunday Telegraph he outlines his fears for the future.

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Indeed to call it cricket at all will be difficult. For November 1 will be the night cricket is turned into reality TV, where some grisly voyeuristic fare is served up for those of a short attention span. Big Brother has finished: roll up instead to watch the nervous antics of the England cricket team … this match has immeasurable potential for division and discord. Win bonuses in cricket always do. Always pity the poor county cricketer in charge of the players' kitty. It is an impossible task, forever leaping into a viper's nest of egos and irrational claims.

Already the Stanford selection has raised hackles. Why on earth are 15 players required for a week's work, even if the same squad only touch down for 24 hours afterwards en route to India? How is Alastair Cook included? The omission of so-called domestic Twenty20 experts is correct – where is Chris Schofield now? But why no Dimitri Mascarenhas? He played in England's last Twenty20 match, a win over New Zealand at Old Trafford. "It's a kick in the teeth," he has said publicly. Privately his ire is much stronger.


Ashok Ganguly is an editorial assistant at Cricinfo