
Capping off a great summer

(Two cricket fanatics with their views on the game from their Dunedin sofa)

(Two cricket fanatics with their views on the game from their Dunedin sofa).

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"Mate, I'd have to say that Pakistan side we just had through here was an extraordinarily powerful unit."

"Absolutely it was. I don't think I've ever seen a better team."

"A very happy team."

"An extremely happy team, as all Pakistan teams are. Wonderfully led by Moin Can't and the legend Miandad."

"Filled with scintillating stroke-players who played with enormous confidence unless there was a blade of grass on the wicket."

"Which, tragically, there occasionally was. But I think their young batsmen did pretty well considering they were raised purely on clay. It was just bad luck a few of our groundsmen thought to leave some grass on."

"Tremendous bowling attack until the best two went home."

"And a hypnotic leg-spinner who unfortunately couldn't make the team because his captain, the wicket-keeper, couldn't read his googly."

"I tell you, mate, I would have put the house on these Pakistanis knocking us over. But what happened? We beat them by an innings and 185 to draw the series, and crushed them in the one-dayers. Call me old-fashioned, mate, but I think we're the world champions."

"We're definitely the world champions, mate, you only have to be able to count to nine to work that out. Which isn't bad with an entire bowling attack missing."

"And the best two all-rounders in the game gone - Cairns and Nash."

"It's been a great year for the CLEAR Black Caps, which is precisely what we predicted for them six months ago if you recall."

"I do recall that, yes. They laughed at us then, mate, but now I sense only the deepest respect."

"I'm getting respect wherever I turn, mate, and it's a good feeling."

"I've got to hand it to Christopher Doig. He was on the blower before that final catch had stuck in young Franklin's hands. 'Sofa' he said to me 'thanks for all you've done. We appreciate it here at New Zealand Cricket.' I thought that was very kind."

"And sending us a present - uncalled for, but a wonderful gesture."

"Indeed. And what a present, mate. A Philips Bottle Opener Remote. You know, I priced it, this thing costs $32 retail."

"It's a phenomenal thing. Works with almost every brand of television. I love the spiel on the packet -'If drinking beer and watching sports is about as much as you can handle at one time'...."

"That's a lot to handle at one time, mate."

"....it is -'the basic six buttons will suit you.' And I tell you, mate, it suits me just fine. I haven't had this thing out of my hand since New Zealand Cricket couriered it down last week. I seriously doubt whether there has ever been a better invention."

"There hasn't mate. It's actually possible to flick from one sports channel to another and open a bottle at the same time, in the very same wrist motion."

"Well, it's possible, mate, but I can't ever see you doing it. But the beauty of this is it frees up so much space. I tell you, this gift caps off a tremendous summer."

New Zealand