Beyond the Test World

Gibraltar: UK Civvies snare league title one week early amidst a busy season on the Rock

The 2000/01 Cricket season in Gibraltar is, as far as the league title is concerned, reaching its climax

The 2000/01 Cricket season in Gibraltar is, as far as the league title is concerned, reaching its climax. Heading the table is the United Kingdom Civilians Cricket Club who, with a victory on Saturday ensured that the league title would be theirs regardless of results in the last round of league matches. However, Grammarians CC will be looking for a victory in their final league match to take over the runners-up spot from the Gibraltar Cricket Club. Meanwhile, Malaga CC will be looking to secure its first win of the season.

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The mid-week leagues are proving to be close fought and results over the next few weeks should prove decisive with a number of sides in both leagues fighting for the top spots. Mid-September sees the start of the Murto Cup competition, with the final taking place on 6th October. Also in September is the National Day six-a-side tournament with Calpe CC looking to win the trophy for the fifth consecutive year

This season saw the welcome return of Malaga CC to the Gibraltar league after a short period of absence. There was a time when three Spanish sides participated in the Gibraltar league and cup competitions. Unfortunately those days are long gone now. Despite not having the best of seasons and footing the table, one can only hope that Malaga CC will continue to make the weekly journey down to Gibraltar.

This season has proved to be one of the busiest yet with the senior National side participating in the ICC trophy held in Toronto and the U 15's, U 17's and U 19's taking part in their respective European Competitions.

After success at the European Championships B Division last year, where Gibraltar topped the division unbeaten, the senior side hoped for some good results in Toronto even though the squad was hampered by the unavailability of a few key players through injury and work/family commitments. The unfortunate withdrawl of the Italian team and the non-appearance of the West African side meant that Gibraltar played only three tournament games and one friendly. The Gibraltar team lost close games against both Nepal and Germany and were well beaten by the Namibian side, eventual finalists. Nevertheless, a number of young indigenous players had taken part and the experience should serve them well for the future.

Of Gibraltar's young representative sides, the U 15's faired the best, reaching the semi-finals of the European Competition. By all accounts they were unlucky not to have made the final. This bodes well for the future and hopefully these young players will move up through the age groups and represent Gibraltar at full International level.

In July Galah CC, an Australian side, visited Gibraltar and played games against the Gibraltar Cricket Association and a Chairmans XI made up mostly of U 19 players. On both occasions the visitors were well beaten. Nevertheless, good friendships were established and the local players once again had the opportunity of facing fresh overseas opposition. Two more sides will be visiting the Rock before the end of the season. Kinloss CC and a London based side will be playing on the Rock in late September and early October respectively.

It is truly wonderful to see Cricket flourishing in Gibraltar. The hard work and effort of the Youth Development Officer and the GCA Committee continue to bare fruit.
