
Greig believes Australia will be too good for resurgent England

Former England captain, Tony Greig, has dismissed England's chances of winning back the Ashes this summer

Tony Greig: has lost the faith


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Former England captain, Tony Greig, has dismissed England's chances of winning back the Ashes this summer.

"Five-nil is a distinct possibility," Greig said. "I think there's a very good chance that if everyone is fit, England are going to have a dreadful time against this Australian side."

Speaking to TalkSport, Greig admitted that England had performed well in the last year, but insisted that the current Australian team are likely to be too strong.

"I have to give England some credit for beating Pakistan away, I think it was a fantastic effort to win that Test match," he conceded. "But this Australian cricket team is a wonderful side. I've heard over the years on numerous occasions how England have turned the corner, how they've started doing things, but I have to be practical."

Greig has often been criticized for being rather fickle in his loyalties. Born in South Africa, captain of England, but a resident of Australia for many years, he insists that he supports England and would be delighted to see them win.

"I want to see England win, I've just lost a bit of faith. I've lived in this part of the world for a while and I've been standing here copping it -- as a former England captain I'm really on the front line when it comes to Australians dishing out flak."

Greig did offer some hope to England, suggesting that Australia may not be able to field a full strength side.

"Believe me I want to see England win, but I've got to be practical about this. If Australia have their full side England will have a dreadful time. Their full side is being watered down already, though the big news today is that Brett Lee, who's probably the fastest bowler in the world, is having an operation on his elbow today, so things are starting to look a bit better for England."

This news comes just days after Australia's leading bowler, Glenn McGrath, revealed that a 5-0 scoreline was a realistic aim for his all-conquering team.

Tony GreigEnglandAustralia