ICC rejects Pakistan's request for neutral umpires

The ICC has rejected Pakistan's proposal of third country umpires in one-day internationals, a top Pakistan Cricket Board official said from London

The ICC has rejected Pakistan's proposal for third-country umpires in one-day internationals, a top Pakistan Cricket Board official has told reporters.

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"ICC's cricket committee management felt that if third-country umpires were introduced in one-dayers, it would deny the grooming of young umpires," said Saleem Altaf, the PCB's director of operations, who attended the ICC executive meetings held at Lord's between June 24 and 28. "In addition to this, the cost element was also one of the factors."

Pakistan had urged the introduction of neutral umpires in one-dayers while complaining of poor umpiring by home umpires in the VB Series in Australia and then in India. "We are not really disappointed. It's part of the game," Altaf continued. "But we will again try to include this issue in the agenda of next meeting."

He added that Pakistan was keen to take the lead in the introduction of third-country umpires in all forms of the game.
