
ICL would welcome a UK-based team

Kapil Dev, the head of the Indian Cricket League, has told the BBC that he would like to incorporate a UK-based team into his event

Kapil Dev: 'I would love to have a London team playing in the ICL or Birmingham or another city team' © Getty Images
Kapil Dev, the head of the Indian Cricket League, has told the BBC that he would like to incorporate a UK-based team into his event.

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"I would love to have a London team playing in the ICL or Birmingham or another city team," he said. "If I get a chance, if I have the money, I will definitely make one team from London or Birmingham. Give me the money and sponsor and I will do it.

"I would also love to see a team from South Africa, West Indies and Australia."

Dev also made clear that the ICCL was not looking to interfere with England's domestic programme. "We always say anybody picked for ICL must first represent their country and come to play for us when they are free. We don't want to spoil any country's cricket.

"The aim of ICL is to give exposure to the young boys and people who have played enough cricket. If they share their time with the young upcoming guys, they can teach these young cricketers. That's what our aim is and if we give the spectators thrilling cricket, everyone benefits from that."

Asked about the ECB's decision to look to ban any players who signed with the ICL, a policy which is now in tatters, Dev said: "I just want to ask the ECB one simple thing. Am I doing something wrong by trying to promote cricket around the world? The ECB should send us a letter saying thank you. Let's not be hypocritical."

Kapil DevEnglandIndian Cricket League