
News agencies to cover IPL

The IPL has relaxed their stringent media guidelines for covering the tournament and the major news agencies including Reuters and AP are now preparing to cover the event

The IPL has relaxed its stringent media guidelines for covering the tournament and the major news agencies including Reuters and AP are now preparing to cover the event.

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The main sticking point, a clause that barred news organizations from distributing news and photos to specialised cricket websites such as Cricinfo, has been removed following negotiations.

The News Media Coalition (NMC), on behalf of media interests worldwide, had been in discussion with the IPL about media accreditation arrangements and Andrew Moger, executive director of the NMC told Cricinfo: "It will bring a resolution to the difficult conversations we have had."

He added in a statement: "The outcome allows us to provide coverage of what promises to be a news-worthy spectacle. We are grateful for the time that the IPL's officers have put into our successful dialogue."

Lalit Modi, the IPL commissioner, said: "We are pleased to have reached this agreement with the global news media industry. This will now allow IPL fans across the world to gain access to the festival of sport and entertainment that is set to unfold here in South Africa over the next few weeks. It was always our intention to give an event like the IPL its proper due by having it covered by the world's media. We are pleased to have reached this agreement."

"It's a great outcome," Dave Tomlin, the AP's associate general counsel, said. "Cricket is big news and we want to cover it. Now we can."

Last year's inaugural IPL was boycotted by major news agencies after they refused to follow the strict rulings laid down by Modi over the distribution of editorial material and images. The NMC had initially failed to get the tournament's organisers to amend the conditions for this year's event which has been shifted to South Africa.

Now, though, Modi has softened his stance and the change of countries could well have played a part in him have to concede ground to the news outlets. It is understood that the terms and conditions have been significantly amended, although not every issue has been completely agreed upon.

However, reporters of websites continue to be barred from the designated media enclosure at the grounds during match days. The IPL has an exclusive agreement to supply news and photos about the Twenty20 tournament to one website.

Last year, besides agencies, news channels in India had also threatened a boycott over the constraints laid down by the IPL before agreeing to cover it after the tournament's organisers acceded to their main demands.

Indian Premier League