
``No obstruction to Pakistan cricket team visiting India'', says Vajpayee (25 November 1998)

Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee said that if the Pakistani cricket team arrived to play in India, no one would be allowed to obstruct it

25 November 1998

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"No obstruction to Pakistan cricket team visiting India", says Vajpayee

Upali Rupasinghe in New Delhi

Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee said that if the Pakistani cricket team arrived to play in India, no one would be allowed to obstruct it.

Mr Vajpayee addressing a press conference at Jaipur in Rajastan said that no individual or organisation would be allowed to obstruct the Pakistani cricket team during its proposed tour in India early next year.

The Prime Minister's assertion came a day after Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackery's threat not to allow the Pakistani cricket team to play in India.

Home Minister, Lal Krishna Advani reacted to Shiv Sena supremo's threat saying he was against the linking of spots with politics. "Sports, dance and music has nothing to do with national or international politics" he said.

The West Bengal Marxists joined hands with ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, promising to roll out the red carpet for the visiting Pakistan cricket team if it played in Calcutta.

"We all love cricket. We should not equate Pakistan's anti-India campaign with the cricket team, Calcutta will welcome the team and we will organise a match here in a big way" said West Bengal Home Minister Mr Buddhadev Battacharya.

Source :: Daily News (https://www.lanka.net)