Media release

Sri Lanka Cricket to handover tour-related documents

Tour is shortly due, and that therefore the records pertaining to these tours are urgently necessary for the Ministry to conduct affairs pertaining to these tours

Tour is shortly due, and that therefore the records pertaining to these tours are urgently necessary for the Ministry to conduct affairs pertaining to these tours. His Lordship K. Siripavan Justice agreed to vary the Stay Order permitting to the 02nd Respondent Secretary to the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs to make necessary orders for such purpose under Section 34 (4) of the Sports Law.

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"34 (4) Where the Minister makes an order under subsection (1) ordering the dissolution of a National Association of Sports or suspends the registration of any National Association of Sports under section 32, the Secretary to the Ministry of the Minister may, by notice in writing, require the office bearers of such National Association of Sports to deliver All Movable Property (including any books and documents) of such National Association of Sports to the Director of Sports. Any person who fails to comply with any requirement imposed on him under this subsection shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction, after Summary Trial before a Magistrate to a fine of Five Thousand Rupees (Emphasis added.)"

Secretary to the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs has written to Sri Lanka Cricket, which was acknowledged. The President - SLC Mr. Thilanga Sumathipala together with a Senior Manager of SJMS Associates met the Director General of Sports Mr. Milton Amarasinghe on 04th April '05 (evening) in order to process the above notice.

Sri Lanka