
Stakeholders plan to oust Chingoka

The election of a new Zimbabwe Cricket board earlier this month and the reappointment of Peter Chingoka as its chairman was expected to end much of the internal rancour within the game

Peter Chingoka: set for another battle with stakeholders © Getty Images
The election of a new Zimbabwe Cricket board earlier this month and the reappointment of Peter Chingoka as its chairman was expected to end much of the internal rancour within the game.

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But a report in The Zimbabwean quotes one stakeholder as saying there are plans afoot to "make cricket ungovernable for Chingoka".

Chingoka's continued presence at the helm of the board has not been welcomed by everyone, although ZC has effectively eliminated its most vociferous critics over the last year. Even within those brought in as replacements, there appears to be unease about Chingoka's role. His re-election came exactly a year after here were widespread moves to remove him from office.

"It's the same story of rigging and manipulation of structures that enabled Chingoka to bounce back," someone described as a veteran cricket administrator told the paper.

And one of the new provincial heads was equally defiant. "It has become an embarrassment that we seem to imply a serious lack of capable people in this country," he said. "We are mobilising for serious measures that make Chingoka realise he is not wanted. Cricket belongs to the grassroots and we shall make it ungovernable, for Chingoka to go."

Peter ChingokaZimbabwe