The Surfer

Strauss running out of excuses

"Out of position and out of form, Andrew Strauss cuts a forlorn figure at the moment

"Out of position and out of form, Andrew Strauss cuts a forlorn figure at the moment. Batting is a lonely business at the best of times". Read the article by Mike Atherton in the Telegraph. Strauss was unbeaten on 42 at the end of the day 2 in the Napier Test.

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Having brought Strauss back, with what to some was unseemly haste, it is unlikely that, if the axe does fall, the selectors will act with the same swift kindness again. A spell in the wilderness awaits. All this adds up to a lot of pressure second time around in Napier. Strauss may not be playing for his career, but he probably feels he is, which amounts to just about the same thing.


Sriram Veera is a former staff writer at ESPNcricinfo