Mordecai Sherwin
INTL CAREER: 1887 - 1888
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Alphabetically sorted top ten of players who have played the most matches across formats in the last 12 months
Debut/Last Matches - Player
Test Matches
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FC Matches
1876 - 1896
Recent Matches - Player
Match | Bat | Wkt | Date | Ground | Format |
Nth of Eng vs Sth of Eng | 4 & 0 | 0c/1s & 0c/0s | 11-Sep-1893 | Hastings | FC |
Notts vs Australians | 0 & 2 | 2c/0s | 31-Aug-1893 | Nottingham | FC |
Notts vs Lancashire | 0 | 1c/0s & 0c/1s | 28-Aug-1893 | Manchester | FC |
Notts vs Middlesex | 0 & 0* | 0c/1s & 2c/0s | 17-Aug-1893 | Nottingham | FC |
Notts vs Kent | 6 | 1c/0s & 0c/1s | 10-Aug-1893 | Canterbury | FC |
Notts vs Surrey | 3* & 14* | 3c/0s & 0c/0s | 07-Aug-1893 | The Oval | FC |
Notts vs Gloucs | 0* | 1c/0s & 2c/0s | 31-Jul-1893 | Nottingham | FC |
Notts vs Kent | 0 | 1c/0s | 24-Jul-1893 | Nottingham | FC |
Notts vs Yorkshire | 0 & 10* | 1c/1s | 13-Jul-1893 | Nottingham | FC |
Players vs Gentlemen | 0 & 1 | 2c/0s & 1c/0s | 10-Jul-1893 | Lord's | FC |
Debut/Last Matches - Umpire
Test Matches
Recent Matches - Umpire
Match | Date | Ground | Format |
England vs Australia | 29-Jun-1899 | Leeds | Test # 62 |
Thornton's vs Australians | 31-Aug-1896 | Scarborough | FC |
Yorkshire vs Sussex | 20-Aug-1896 | Hove | FC |
M.C.C. vs Australians | 27-May-1878 | Lord's | FC |