The Index

Men behaving badly

Tempers. Drug-taking. Excessive drinking. Fishing. All the vices are covered in our bad boys XI

He's got a gun, you know  AFP

Sourav Ganguly
Gave offence by baring his chest at cricket's holiest of holies. Now turned mellow, but makes the grade thanks to his ability to get those around him to lose their heads while he looks beatifically on.
Keep away from: Australian coaches

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Shane Warne
Rich and storied history of substance-abuse (regardless of if you include cheese as a substance or not), skirt-chasing and illicit text-messaging makes him a shoo-in.
Keep away from: waitresses

Praveen Kumar
Beat up a doctor after having mud splashed on clothes by said doctor's car as Kumar stepped out of a shop where he had gone to buy a gun. The beating was administered in a glassware shop, which sustained damage. All-round fun.
Keep away from: Johannesburg

Darren Lehmann
If flying the flag for unhealthy living by being unapologetically fat is not bad enough for you, he once called an opponent an unspeakable name - with a racist prefix tagged on for added impact.
Keep away from: Sri Lankans

May not be playing this year but lives on in our hearts courtesy The Slap That Shook The World, and the resulting cries, accompanied by sage nods, of "He had it coming". Also, allegedly had a disagreement with a hotel airconditioner once, and had a raucous party shut down by the police.
Keep away from: anyone with a hand

Herschelle Gibbs
Recreational drug-use? Check. Alleged involvement in match-fixing? Check. This old-time hellraiser, freshly emerged from a month-long alcohol-related rehabilitation programme, and a narrow escape from a drunk-driving ban, is free and clear to get his freak on again.
Keep off: the grass

Andrew Symonds
The third in the Deccan Chargers' triumvirate of badness (but don't tell him he's third at anything or he'll deck you). Used to be the next Keith Miller, before he turned into a brawl-happy bar-hound / troubled figure with authority issues and demons in his head / utter prat - take your pick.
Keep away from: tackles of all kinds

He's bad and he's back © Getty Images

Gautam Gambhir
Pint-sized marauder on a hot streak, and with a hotter temper, who believes in responding to words with sticks and stones - as Shane Watson, who got an elbow in the ribs last year, can testify.
Keep away from: bowlers with mouths on them

Simon Katich
Self-confessed angry East European who recently grabbed Australian golden boy Michael Clarke by the throat after Clarke said he wanted to go home following a mere six or so hours of post-match drinking. You go, Kat.
Keep away from: Clean-cut, clean-living wimps

Jesse Ryder
Poster boy for dysfunctional talents everywhere, who has added an unique spin to the hallowed tradition of the post-match drink or 16 by also drinking before games, apparently.
Keep away from: glass windows

Harbhajan Singh
Has starred on bulls-eye pin-ups in Australian dressing rooms for years on end now. With a little help from good buddy Andrew Symonds, he almost made Bodyline look like a teddy-bears' picnic last year.
Keep away from: Queenslanders

Indian Premier League