Clive van Ryneveld

South Africa
Clive van Ryneveld
INTL CAREER: 1951 - 1958
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Full Name

Clive Berrange van Ryneveld


March 19, 1928, St James, Cape Town, Cape Province


January 29, 2018 (aged 89y 316d)

Batting Style

Right hand Bat

Bowling Style

Legbreak Googly


Widely considered one of the greatest allround sportsmen produced by South Africa, by the time Clive van Ryneveld left Oxford University, where he was a double Blue, he had already been capped at cricket and rugby (the latter as a three-quarter for England). He was a talented batsman, useful legspinner and outstanding fielder. He toured England in 1951making 983 runs at 29.78, which included a career-best 150 against Yorkshire, and also enjoyed a good series against New Zealand in 1953-54. But as the demands of his career as a barrister began to take more of his time, his cricketing outings grew less frequent, but he was still able to captain South Africa against England in 1956-57 and Australia the following summer. He retired from cricket and subsequently became a member of the House of Assembly.
Martin Williamson

Clive van Ryneveld Career Stats

Batting & Fielding



Clive van Ryneveld

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Photos of Clive van Ryneveld

Clive van Ryneveld
Former South African player Clive van Ryneveld
Clive van Ryneveld signs autographs for youngsters during a tour match against Oxford
The 1951 South African tour party to England
Clive van Ryneveld