

Denis Compton's retirement was dealt with by Neville Cardus, who made no bones on the huge impact Compo had had on the game. "He lifted cricket into an atmosphere of freedom of personal expression," and after the war, he "renewed life and hopes of a land and nation that had come out of the dark abyss". Other retirements included Doug Wright, Eric Hollies and Bruce Dooland - who are all mentioned in an article called "Googly bowlers and captains retire". Lord Birkett proclaimed his love of cricket, quoting the words of James Love: "Hail, Cricket! glorious, manly British game!". Peter May, Surrey's manly new captain, led them to a sixth straight win.
Editor Norman Preston
Pages 1035
Price 16 shillings

Almanack essays

Notes by the Editor

England reign supreme, 1958

Denis Compton

The cavalier, 1958

Denis Compton

Notable achievements, 1958

Early days

Cricket in New Zealand, 1958

Googly bowlers and captains retire

Wright, Hollies and Dooland, 1958

The love of cricket

Sound of bat against ball: greatest music of all, 1958

Ups and downs of Northamptonshire

Making many excellent craftsmen for our delectation, 1958

Series included

M.C.C. team in South Africa, 1956-57

Report | Matches

West Indies in England, 1957

Report | Matches