

The 1910 Almanack centred on a theme that is all too common to modern-day English cricket fans - Ashes humiliation. "Never in the last five-and-twenty years have English cricketers felt more dissatisfied and disappointed with a season's play," thundered Sydney Pardon, after a rubber that was undermined by injury and mismanagement. As if that wasn't bad enough, there was another event - or rather non-event - that galled the English cricket fan: the retirement of WG Grace, after a career that had spanned nearly half a century. "There will be great cricketers in the future as there have been in the past," eulogised Pardon, "but it is safe to say that we shall never see another WG Grace."
Editor Sydney Pardon
Pages 516
Price 1/-

Almanack essays

Notes by the Editor

English cricketers: dissatisfied and disappointed, 1910

Modern batting

The curse of the bad, 1910

Series included

The Australians in England, 1909

Report | Matches