
An idea whose time has come

Dear Readers,

Sambit Bal
Sambit Bal
Dear Readers,
We have always known that if we looked after the interests of the readers, the rest will look after itself. Our real strength remains the size of our audience, which, gratifyingly, has continued to grow. It is the clearest sign of your endorsement of what we produce for you.
Since Cricinfo is about you, your voice is important. We have a robust feedback mechanism which features some lively discussions on major issues affecting cricket. But we recognise the limitation of the system that allows you only to respond and not initiate. We are seeking to redress that inadequacy somewhat by creating a space that is wholly yours: you set the agenda and you lead the discussion.
'Inbox' will feature submissions from you with us playing gatekeeper as we do with the rest of the site. We will set no rules apart from ensuring a certain quality that you have come to associate with Cricinfo. You may write on the aspects of the game that you hold dear; about matters that rile you; about players, teams and trends; you may share your memories and views, and you may so do so in 100 words or 500. The only tip we will give you is to repeat a line from our style sheet: Brevity is not just the soul of wit, it is the heart of all writing.
Sambit Bal is Editor, Cricinfo

Sambit Bal is the editor of ESPNcricinfo