
Lawson criticises cancelled tour

The Pakistan coach Geoff Lawson has expressed disappointment at Australia's decision to postpone the tour of the country indefinitely

Cricinfo staff

Geoff Lawson: "It is a shame that we are not playing Australia at a time when they are beatable" © AFP
The Pakistan coach Geoff Lawson has expressed disappointment at Australia's decision to postpone the tour of the country indefinitely, an announcement which came soon after twin bomb blasts struck Lahore, killing at least 20 people. Lawson said the team should have "come here full steam ahead".
"I don't think they are justified in postponing the series," Lawson, the former Australia Test bowler, said. "I am living in Pakistan and feel secure. I am disappointed, although it was expected. It is a shame that we are not playing Australia at a time when they are beatable."
Lawson felt the decision would affect Pakistan cricket. "There is an immediate disappointment of not having the best team in Pakistan and it's a loss for players, fans and administrators," he said. "It may have a major effect in the short term and it's up to the PCB to assure that it will not have a major effect in the longer run."
Lawson said the security situation in Pakistan was unrelated to cricket. "Bombs do go off," he said. "You can't argue with that. But they're focused on particular targets that have nothing to do with sport, and particularly nothing to do with cricket."