
MCG unlikely to host Shield final

A concert to raise money for the Victorian bushfire victims is expected to force the Sheffield Shield final away from the MCG

Cricinfo staff

More than 200 people died in the fires earlier this month © Getty Images
A concert to raise money for the Victorian bushfire victims is expected to force the Sheffield Shield final away from the MCG. The Junction Oval is likely to stage the match, which the Bushrangers won hosting rights for with their victory over New South Wales, from March 13 to 17.
"It's Cricket Australia's call to allocate the final," Cricket Victoria's chief executive Tony Dodemaide said in the Herald Sun. "We've certainly made it very clear that the MCG is our preference."
The appeal for victims of the bushfires, which killed more than 200 people this month, is due to be held on March 14 and the Cricket Australia spokesman Peter Young said the event was a priority. "Victoria have won the right to host the final on the dates March 13-17," Young said. "We are now seeking to understand if there is another proposal for the MCG at that time.
"We are going to need another day or two to understand the proposal. We are keen to do whatever we can to help the bushfires cause."
Any switch from the MCG will disrupt the Victorians, who have mastered the drop-in pitch there this season. With two matches remaining, the Bushrangers are on 40 points, 16 clear of their nearest rivals Tasmania.