MORDECAI SHERWIN was born at Kimberley, Nottinghamshire, on February 26, 1851, and belongs by every tie to the county for which he has done such brilliant service. He first assisted Notts in August, 1876, and played in some of the later fixtures of the county in the following season; but it was not until 1880 that he fairly took up the position he has since maintained as the regular wicket-keeper of the Nottinghamshire eleven. Unlike Pilling, he was rather slow to develop his abilities, being twenty-nine years of age when he established a recognised position among the leading professionals of the day. From 1880 down to the present time, however, his career has been one long series of successes, and as he is fortunate in enjoying robust health there seems no reason why he should not, for several years to come, retain his place in the county eleven. As soon as he obtained regular practice in the best matches his form improved enormously, and for the last ten years he has, among English professional wicket-keepers, fairly divided honours with Pilling. Always in the best of spirits, and never discouraged, however much the game may be going against his side, Sherwin is one of the cheeriest and pluckiest of cricketers. In point of style behind the wicket he is more demonstrative than his Lancashire rival, but, though the applause and laughter of the spectators may occasionally cause him to go a little too far, he has certainly never done anything to really lay him open to censure. For a man of his great bulk he is wonderfully quick on his feet, and at times brings off extraordinary catches. Apart from his wicket-keeping, he is by no means a bad bat, and he has on many occasions scored well for Notts when runs have been sadly needed. Sherwin was first chosen for the Players against the Gentlemen in 1883, and since that time he has made frequent appearances in the representative matches. He has only once been to Australia-namely, with Shaw and Shrewsbury"s team in the season of 1886-7.