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Graveney allays injury concerns

With a replica urn positioned a few metres from the table, as if anyone needed reminding of the impending announcement, David Graveney confirmed England's squad of 16 to tour Australia this winter

'We're going out there to play good cricket and compete with Australia who are the best team in the world' © Getty Images
With a replica urn positioned a few metres from the table, as if anyone needed reminding of the impending announcement, David Graveney confirmed England's squad of 16 to tour Australia this winter, to be captained by Andrew Flintoff, in a press conference at The Oval, a year to the day since England regained the Ashes.
There were no major surprises, either. In fact the only source of contention Graveney was forced to alleviate was the decision to choose five players returning from injury (and, with Marcus Trescothick's fitness still uncertain, six). Such concerns were roundly straight-batted and quashed, however.
"We believe they will be fit by the time we go to Australia - it's as simple as that," Graveney firmly insisted. "If I can refresh your memories to four years ago, Flintoff arrived at the academy hardly able to walk - Darren Gough was in a similar condition. We are confident that all the injuries will be resolved. The situation now is that our medical team is much more professional and much better organised."
Graveney, who at times answered in quite a prickly fashion, said Ashley Giles would be on the plane to India for the Champions Trophy but only to assess his fitness. Prior to today's announcement it was expected England would fly five reserves out to Perth under the wing of Paul Terry, who runs an academy there. Perth is sufficiently detached (by time zones, if anything) from the main squad to avoid treading on their toes, but close enough for the players to be called upon when required. However, the decision to shift the entire academy squad out there leaves England with, effectively, a squad of 30 to choose from.

Peter Moores, the director of the ECB Academy, will lead a squad of 14 to be stationed at Perth © Getty Images
"We'll arrive on the 15th or 16th of November and will stay there until, roughly, December 22, Peter Moores, the Academy director, confirmed. "This enables us to prepare, get them bowling and [have them] ready should they be needed. It's a high-performance camp - a training camp - to have players on standby. Paul Terry will help us out if we need to play any games but, in general, it will be a training base."
After months of speculation, Flintoff - looking mean and trim - was clearly delighted in his appointment as captain, but refused to send a message to Ricky Ponting or Australia.
"Last summer was something special and some of the lads who are going want it again, some probably watched it and want to experience that euphoria," he said. "There will be a lot of excited young lads. We're going out there to play good cricket and compete with Australia who are the best team in the world."
Both James Anderson - who has missed the entire season with a back injury - and Liam Plunkett, whose side injury forced him out of the remaining Tests in the Pakistan series, were named - but there was no place for Simon Jones. Such a key figure in England's win last summer, he underwent knee surgery in America during the summer and will not return to first-class cricket until next season.
The first Test at Brisbane gets underway on November 23.

Will Luke is editorial assistant of Cricinfo