
Pakistan welcomes Hindu radicals' move over India cricket tour (21 January 1999)

LAHORE, Jan 21 (AFP) - A senior Pakistani cricket official Thursday welcomed a decision by Hindu militants to suspend their violent campaign to disrupt Pakistan's cricket tour of India, calling it a "timely" move

21 January 1999
Pakistan welcomes Hindu radicals' move over India cricket tour
LAHORE, Jan 21 (AFP) - A senior Pakistani cricket official Thursday welcomed a decision by Hindu militants to suspend their violent campaign to disrupt Pakistan's cricket tour of India, calling it a "timely" move.
"It is a timely decision and I can only praise it," said the Pakistan Cricket Board's Secretary Waqar Ahmed, as a 16-member national team flew out for New Delhi for the first test series on Indian soil in 12 years.
The suspension of the hostile campaign was announced in Bombay after a meeting between the Indian Home Minister L.K. Advani and the leader of the Hindu right-wing Shiv Sena party, Bal Thackeray.
Brigadier Saeed A.Rafi, who toured India as special envoy last week to personally assess the security arrangements, said he had been sure Indian authorities would ensure fool-proof security.
He said in any case Pakistani players "are no cowards ... They are hard core professionals and can play with confidence even in adverse conditions."
"The boys are keyed up to take India head-on ...," Rafi said.
Source :: AFP