
South African cricketers to join youth day commemorations

South African national cricketers Makhaya Ntini, Mornantau Hayward andMfuneko Ngam will attend Saturday's 25th Anniversary commemorations of theJune 1976 uprising in Soweto.

South African national cricketers Makhaya Ntini, Mornantau Hayward and Mfuneko Ngam will attend Saturday's 25th Anniversary commemorations of the June 1976 uprising in Soweto.
The three players will be present at the Morris Isaacson High School for the end of the fun run at 9am on Saturday, from where they will walk to the Hector Pietersen Memorial in Orlando West. Makhaya Ntini will say a few words at the memorial and will lay a wreath from the United Cricket Board and the South African national cricket team in memory of those who lost their lives in 1976.