Fantasy Post

Rough landing for India

The first match of India's tour of Sri Lanka against the Board XI has not gone well for the visitors

The first match of India's tour of Sri Lanka against the Board XI has not gone well for the visitors. And they can't even blame jet lag. Sri Lanka is not that far away from India.
In fact, the lusciously Caribbeanesque South Asian island of Sri Lanka is just a hop, skip and short flight away from one of India's most important cities, Chennai. (Not China.) But when it comes to conditions, it's a world apart. Which perhaps explains why it tends to take Indian batsmen more than one might expect to get used to. Often, a trip to Sri Lanka has a lot of matches being played on wickets and under conditions that feel remarkably different from those in India, which I still, after all these years of cricket watching, find odd. Because Sri Lanka from the other side of the Palk Straits is just next door. And yet, when it comes to pitches, quite far removed from the kind you find in India.
Put differently, when playing in Bangladesh, you encounter surfaces that are a lot similar to those back home in India. But not in Sri Lanka. To think both Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are only a handshake away from India.
A small part of me also sees in Sri Lanka a bit of England, Australia and a lot so of the Caribbean. Which might be the reason you find a lot of English and Australian people owning properties in Sri Lanka and using them as long-stay getaways. Conditions in the Caribbean though, especially in the last 5 to 10 years have turned unusually batsmen friendly. Thankfully not so in Sri Lanka.
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SWESAW update #1

The Shane Watson of the England v South Africa Award (SWESAW) is a prestigious honour bestowed upon a player who maximises his or her 'performance to cost ratio'

The Shane Watson of the England v South Africa Award (SWESAW) is a prestigious honour bestowed upon a player who maximises his or her 'performance to cost ratio'. Instituted to celebrate the startling performance of Shane Watson in the paradigm shifting IPL tournament, it trains the spotlight on performers who deliver more than what their price-tag demands of them. It gives us great privilege and pleasure to bring you this prestigious, ever changing name of an award in every series.
As you may not recall, the SWACAW for the not-so-memorable Asia Cup held in Bangladesh was won by the unforgettable Ajantha Mendis, who staved off stiff competition from Suresh Raina and Sanath Jayasuriya to bag the said honour. This post, we take a look at the front runners for the SWESAW in the ongoing England v South Africa series.
At the end of the first Test at Lords, Ian Bell was the clear leader in the SWESAW standngs. One and a half innings later and halfway into the second Test at Headingly, he retains the top spot. But only just.
The SWESAW leaderboard as at 20th July, 1 pm (IST): Ian Bell: 396/90000_FMs (0.0044) Mornie Morkel: 339/85000_FMs (0.0039) Ashwell Prince: 324/85000_FMs (0.0038) KP: 287/100000_FMs (0.0027) James Anderson: 258/95000_FMs (0.0028)
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The Shane Watson Effect (SWE)

The IPL edition of Cricinfo Fantasy Cricket (CFC) was the biggest game in the history - in terms of sheer numbers - of CFC

The IPL edition of Cricinfo Fantasy Cricket (CFC) was the biggest game in the history - in terms of sheer numbers - of CFC. After 'Modi's Maxtravaganza', the rules of the games changed. Forever. It's not good enough to be a star. You have to be a Maximum Value Star. (MVS)
An MVS is a star who surprises you with Maxi Performances (MP). An MP is not a Member of Parliament who wastes everybody's time but an outstanding cricket player who makes a series of emphatic statements on the big stage - with bat and ball. only - at no extra cost. In other words, returns. No, Big Returns (BR). BRs and MPs maketh an MVS. Shane Watson was the world's first MVS. Because until then, people really didn't think all that much about the cost of players in such an ... shall we say obvious manner. Except in fantasy cricket.
Fantasy cricket managers can, off and not on, afford to take their eye off the ball but they can never lose sight of the numbers. That's the why the sharpest ones know which player is going to end up MVS of the Series. Bought for a pittance, as we all know, Shane Watson was the MVS of the IPL. Going for less than 80001 FM_s, Suresh Raina (726 points) is the MVS and winner of the first Shane Watson of the Asia Cup Award (SWACAW).
Why Shane Watson Award (SWAW) and why not just MVS? Shane Watson dominated the IPL. The IPL was very important to CFC. We already have MVP. And the world can always do with another ACRONYM.
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Australia v West Indies 2008: Meet The VVinners

The winner of the Australia v West Indies Series 2008 Edition of Cricinfo Fantasy Cricket is Dinsh_rangarrajan and Gunners who blast their way out of nowehere to grab the top spot in this topsy-turvy fantasy edition that saw the lead change hands

The winner of the Australia v West Indies Series 2008 Edition of Cricinfo Fantasy Cricket is Dinsh_rangarrajan and Gunners who blast their way out of nowehere to grab the top spot in this topsy-turvy fantasy edition that saw the lead change hands with metronomic regularity.
In second and third place are Marksmen and Marksmen and slayer11 and sLayER. One after another. Clearly, there aren't too many women playing fantasy. Note To Self (NTS): Must redress the fantasy cricket boy/girl balance. Must get Ms. Noodle Straps phone number. Must discuss work with her.
One Un-important Observation (OUiO): The loss of Gilchrist hurt Australia. Everyone said it would, and it did. Shane Warne may not care much for Gilchrist's skills, but Haddin (404/85000_) would need to double his contributions to make up for the absence of his illustrious predecessor. In this series, when it came to picking wicket-keepers, it came down to 'wish we didn't have to'.
The winner of the Shane Watson of the Australia v West Indies Series Award (SWAWISAW) - in which we don't just look at which cricketer scored the maximum points for their fantasy teams, we also look at what cost - is not Simon Katich (510/80000_), not Sarwan (565/105000_), not even Shivnaraine Chanderpaul (849/105000_), close but not bravo Dwayne Bravo (909/95000), not Symonds (834/105000_), not even the partly-eponymous Shane Watson (584/90000_). It's the Golden Boy of Australian cricket: The brilliant Brett Lee with a gorgeous PFM return of (1261/110000_).
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