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For the love of Murali

Who's greater, Warne or the Sri Lankan with 800? We can finally lay that argument to rest

Andrew Fidel Fernando
Andrew Fernando
While the football and water polo supporters were out getting drunk and chasing girls in high school, we stayed at home and calculated Tendulkar's innings-to-century ratio in our underwear. Instead of taking our wives to dinner or watering the azealas like regular folk, we spend all week crunching the numbers for history's greatest cricketing battles. Bradman v Larwood, Donald v Atherton, Arjuna Ranatunga v an ever-expanding waistline.
Murali's retirement was, of course, a perfect excuse for us all to indulge in this odd fetish once more. With a ready-made rival in Shane Warne, it was all too easy for the cricket world to be whipped up into a squealing, adolescent statistics frenzy. Who was more effective against top-class opposition? Who could extract more wickets on an unhelpful surface? Which of them looked better just after a shower?
But for all the stats, there were still several aspects of the Warne-Murali debate that haven't been laboriously scrutinised. As such, in the interest of creating a more complete dialogue, let's take a look at a few areas where the Sri Lankan holds the upper hand over his rival.
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Cut that out

Things players can drop from their repertoires to be more effective

Jarrod Kimber
Jarrod Kimber
In order to preserve his ailing body and ensure he maintains himself for the long haul, Prince Brendon McCullum has given up wicketkeeping. It is a brave move for someone with a Test batting average of 34, but the Prince has never lacked confidence. If this works there could be a spate of players doing the same thing. Because players are too divergent with their energies in this day and age, they need to focus their chakras and their body-mind interface to get the personal momentum you need to be a winner. Here are a few who could shed some of their workload in order to prolong or improve their careers.
Chris Gayle
Being cool
You hear it all the time, the man is effortlessly cool. Nonsense. I don't care who it is - Johnny Cash included - there is effort in being cool. How much effort? Well, at least 10% of his life must go towards being cool, if not more. He could start by giving up the designer sunnies, get a short back-and-sides haircut and stop looking like nothing is bothering him. With that extra 10% he could run between the wickets like Mike Hussey, and you don't need to be cool to be Mike Hussey.
Graeme Swann
Any cricket fans on the social-networking micro-blogging platform know how important Swann is to it. Sehwag - prophet of Sehwagology that he is - is rather boring, Michael Clarke's tweets have never reached the heady heights of dull, and pictures of Sulieman Benn on a motorcycle are enjoyable, but not fulfilling. Swann obviously puts time and effort into his tweeting. Coming up with witty one-liners and new ways to abuse Tim Bresnan. While this is great for us, if he was to cut Twitter out of his life, he could learn how to play short-pitched bowling and become a real allrounder.
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Excellent nomenclature

The most rocking player names in all of cricket

S Aga
Xavier Melbourne Marshall A Spanish saint, a legendary Bajan fast bowler and Australia's second largest city. How many more things do you need to cram into a name before you can call it great?
Sreesanth Some names are so resplendent, they don't need to lean arthritically on surnames for support. Especially not when they belong to hip-shaking, fist-pumping, jewellery-wearing, imbroglio-courting superstars. Weep your hearts out, Cher and Madonna.
WPUJC Vaas UWMBCA Welegedara may seem more imposing on paper, but spell the initials out and our Vaasy has upstart Chanaka beat by plenty.
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Moves for Modi

What's a poor IPL commissioner to do if he is not IPL commissioner anymore? We've got a few suggestions

Samantha Pendergrast
Lead India's Save the Tiger* project. Modi can generate money through gladiator v tiger fights, persuade the tigers to allow every alternate stripe on their pelts to be used for advertisements, and get cheerleaders to entertain tourists in wildlife reserves and double up as tiger food. But his stroke of genius will be suspending a tiger in the air during the most compelling events in Indian television - Parliament sessions. While politicians bicker and throw mikes at each other, the camera will pan to the noble beast and the news anchor will tell us why it is at the forefront of the animal kingdom and how Dennis Lillee once tried to race against one. It may not increase the tiger population but will keep the issue firmly in the nation's consciousness forever. And maybe even keep the MPs in check.
Do nothing. Laze on a yacht in the Caribbean with Preity Zinta and Shilpa Shetty, sticking pins into a voodoo doll of Chirayu Amin.
Take over the ICL. Turn it into the IPL. Then go after the current IPL. Reduce it to "a-man-and-his-dog-watching" event. After it's destroyed, give amnesty to its players. Invite them to the new tournament. Make it an over-the-top, in-your-face bottomless pit of money, glamour and mindless advertising. Come up with impossibly complicated bidding processes and let all the important papers relating to the tournament disappear. What? He's already done all this? You could have stopped us at ICL.
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