Media release

Boucher and Kemp go under the knife

South African national team wicketkeeper Mark Boucher had surgery yesterday tohis left index finger to release scar tissue from his August 2000 knifeinjury, team physiotherapist Craig Smith announced.

South African national team wicketkeeper Mark Boucher had surgery yesterday to his left index finger to release scar tissue from his August 2000 knife injury, team physiotherapist Craig Smith announced. "Boucher will be out of action for about four weeks, during which time he will be receiving physiotherapy and rehabilitation," Smith added.
All-rounder Justin Kemp also underwent surgery yesterday to remove a bony growth from the base of his right hand. "The operation involved scraping off the knob of bone and he'll be out for about a month to allow the site to heal and for the inflammation to settle," added Smith.
Both operations were performed by Professor Sydney Biddulph, the UCB's consultant hand specialist, in Johannesburg.