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May attacks 'hollow ring' of Speed rhetoric

Tim May has backed Malcolm Speed's call for everyone to support the ideals of the Spirit of Cricket - but also criticised the ICC's inaction over the crisis in Zimbabwe

Cricinfo staff

Tim May - 'The game's handling of the present Zimbabwean issue has disillusioned and disappointed the majority' © Getty Images
Tim May, the chief executive of the Federation of International Cricketers' Associations (FICA) , backed Malcolm Speed's call for everyone to support the ideals of the Spirit of Cricket - but also criticised the ICC's inaction over the crisis in Zimbabwe.
"As the game's trustee the ICC should be charged with maintaining appropriate standards from both the games players and the games administration," he said. "Players, particularly those in Zimbabwe, or those forced to play there, will find it difficult to fully accept Speed's call when the ICC has not seen the need to intervene, or been unable to investigate, serious allegations about the games administration.
"In an environment where players have been subject to threats of physical and other forms of intimidation, public criticism of their on-field behaviour will have a hollow ring.
"The "Spirit of Cricket" extends beyond the boundaries of the field - the game, and the success of the game and the game's image will be judged not only by the professionalism and behavioural standards of the players but also of the conduct of the games' administration. Presently the ICC's constitution only allows it to investigate and intervene in alleged misconduct of the players."
May accepted that the ICC was limited by its own rules and he called upon member boards to allow a constitutional change which would permit it to take on a far more hands-on role investigating issues within member countries.
"Players are only too happy to recognise their responsibility to the game's image but equally recognise that the games administrators should be answerable to the same standards of conduct expected of the players. The game's handling of the present Zimbabwean issue has disillusioned and disappointed the majority of players around the world."