
Snedden to accompany NZ team to Pakistan

Martin Snedden is moving from the decision-making bunker out into the front lines - he will be going to Pakistan with the New Zealand team next week

Lynn McConnell
Martin Snedden is moving from the decision-making bunker out into the front lines - he will be going to Pakistan with the New Zealand team next week. Snedden, who has been easily the most beleaguered cricket administrator in New Zealand's history, had always intended to be in Pakistan for the last two matches.
He has faced a string of unusual situations that many sports administrators would never face in a career. These include not only the international disasters which have affected tours, but also domestic problems, most notably last summer's players' strike.
Snedden, who was on the scene as a player when New Zealand first experienced frustrations to tours caused by bombs, in Sri Lanka in 1987, is taking a "see-it-for-yourself" stance by opting to travel with the team when it returns to Pakistan next week.
He met with the team's officials in Auckland today after their return from India and discussed the prospect of John Bracewell, New Zealand's coach, also returning to Pakistan with the team.